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"What is important to you?"

"What do you want to happen?"

"What do you not want to happen?"

"Who would speak for you?"

Advance Care Planning Resources -
including GSF Five Steps ,Thinking Ahead  and other international weblinks , videos and resources . 

1. GSF Five Steps to ACP video - used in the UK

We developed a simple 3-minute animated video ‘5 Steps to ACP’, to  help enable greater awareness amongst the public before further discussions with health or social care teams.

In addition for GSF programmes we provide the 5 Steps Flyers, poster, and brochure to support mainstreaming this throughout your organisation.   


See 5 Steps to ACP  video below


or see on You Tube freely available GSF ACP 5 Steps from You Tube here or



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GSF 5 Steps to ACP video- used  in Africa

In addition the GSF-I 5 steps to ACP resource pack includes:-


  • the 5 steps video

  • a poster illustrating the steps in summary

  • a 5 steps flyer explaining how to use it

  • a patient brochure  for people to complete their answers after each section 

  • as well as a WM3-What Matters Most to Me plan  guide to clarifying what's most important to people 

  • powerpoints training slides

  • workshop or teaching in ACP 

  • and other useful videos 




2. The GSF 'Thinking Ahead

    ACP tool'


The GSF ACP Thinking Ahead Tool has  been used for over 15 years and is a brief succinct ‘statement of wishes’ that can be used as a first step by anyone in any setting.

It includes questions such as:


  • 'At this time in your life, what is important to you?  


  • What elements of care are important to you and what WOULD you like to happen in future?  


  • What would you NOT want to happen? Is there anything that you worry about or fear happening?  


  • Who would speak for you  if you can no longer speak for yourself - your nominated proxy spokesperson or Lasting Power of Attorney?


In addition, it asks;


  • Do you have a legal refusal of treatment or ADRT?


  • If your condition deteriorates where would you like to be cared for (different options or choices)?


  • Do you have any special requests, preferences, or other comments? (including organ donation)

  • Are there any comments or additions from other people you are close to? (Please name)


NB: See also any separate DNACPR/AND or ADRT documents


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Download GSF thinking Ahead ACP Tool Here 




3. Other useful resources developed in the UK and internationally 

"I didn't want that."
Dying Matters UK Film 

" Lets talk about Death and Dying " 
 Age UK 

UK- 'What Matters to Me'

 RCGP NHS EOLC partners developed 'What matters' conversations, to support more personalised care.  

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'Be Open, Be Ready, Be Heard' 
Advance Care Planning Australia

'When Love is not enough'
- ACP Australia 

 'Ask ,Chat and Plan.' Singapore
-Introduction to ACP 

'SAY' -ACP Canada 
animated video to the song by Tara Shannon

Contact us for further information on workshops, teaching, videos,  masterclasses  and experience of use of ACP in practice.

Further Websites and Varied Resources including games 








  • ACP-i See the International Society for Advance Care Planning International, with regular bi-annual conferences. here   ..​

  • The international society is dedicated to advance care planning , holding  regular conferences and sharing information across all contexts and countries, to promote international uptake of  advance care planning . 



ACP-i 2021 Virtual Conference Aug 23-25th Shared resources from across the world

about innovations in moving ACP upstream:

Jess Simon -Canada 



Art project: @nobarriershere


Graphic novel:

“Say” song:

with animation:



Card games

Hello Game at

Life Unlocking Card Game – Tharin Phenwan:

Metanalysis of card games:

ACP origami -

On-line games:

Virtual reality:




Fortune cookies:


Thanks to Jessica Simon for collating these invaluable  examples 



  • UK- The ReSPECT document (Recommended Summary Plan for Emergency Care and Treatment ) is widely used in the UK’s NHS, to help resuscitation discussions and ensure peoples’ wishes are known and understood. Many find it greatly enhances ACP discussions within general practice and for out of hours providers  and is well used across wider local areas , improving coordination and communication to all sectors .

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See other international resources and references         in the OUP Book 'ACP for End of Life care’  


Editors Thomas K , Lobo B and Deterring K Oxford University Press 2017-   with useful guidance on ACP by leading experts , and  6 well referenced chapters describing work in Canada,  USA, Australia , New Zealand , Germany, Asia, and other countries .




 30% discount available on  ACP Book 


If you would like to order the OUP book on 'Advance Care Planning in End of Life Care' , you can claim your 30% discount from this website  by entering the discount code AMPROMD9 at the Oxford University Press store see  here


Further References and Weblinks 


  • NHS England ACP guidance for coronavirus May 2020


  • NHSE ACP and End of life care


  • NHSE What Matters to Me


  • Abstracts from the London ACPEL International Conference 2011


  • NHS ReSPECT documentation, Resuscitation Council UK


  • ACP templates


  • Compassion in Dying ACP



BMJ 2013;347:f6064 doi: 10.1136/bmj.f6064 (Published 21 October 2013) 





Next Steps

International non-UK, If you are from outside the UK and have any enquiries about GSF International, seeking information, how to register, consultancy advice or other queries , please contact us.

  • Twitter

UK Only.  If you are from within the UK and have any enquiries about GSF in the UK, please contact the GSF UK team directly. 

Donate &  support 

If you are interested in supporting the work of The  Andrew Rodger Trust Charity in Africa, either by donating or contributing in other ways, please contact us for details.

Or you can donate directly using the button below. Thank you 

© 2021 Gold Standards Framework International.  

The Andrew Rodger Trust is a registered charity: 1160141

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