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"Advance Care Planning is now embedded in the fabric of the whole organisation. In this way, and with these strong collaborative links across the healthcare community, we achieve 100% of our residents dying in their preferred place of death.”


LB Melrose Nursing Home

GSF Accredited Care Home of the Year 2017 

Experience of ACP in GSF 

We integrate Advance Care Planning (ACP) discussions into all GSF programmes, as a key means of delivering personalised care, to best meet the needs and wishes of the individual person and their family.


‘Every appropriate person should be offered ACP discussions’ (mainly Advance Statements) by their usual/chosen healthcare provider which then becomes an action plan against which quality of care is measured’


GSF Summary Statement on ACP

This in practice includes everyone considered to be in the final year/years of life identified by GPs’, locality or Hospital GSF or End of Life care register, every resident in a care home, retirement village etc.


We have found by combining earlier identification of patients and offering more proactive care, more people are more likely to have an ACP discussion and express their wishes and preferences.



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To see further evidence that use of GSF helps improve ACP -
click here  

GSF accredited teams demonstrate more patients being offered ACP discussions to differing degrees 

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The actual tool matters less than the process of offering ACP to everyone.  


At GSF in the UK we use we have been using the GSF Thinking Ahead document for many years in many settings.


We also developed the GSF 5 Steps video, leaflet, poster and brochure to help people begin the discussion - along with other useful examples and resources-  see here


 Experiences of of the benefits  of ACP discussions from GSF trained teams and others . 

Nurse from The Marches Nursing Home  describes normalising ACP discussions for all residents in their  home 

Lucy Giles discussing ACP with Mum at home, discussing her wishes if her condition worsened .

Dr Bill Silvester discussing the advantages of having ACP discussions early in ICUs in Melbourne ,Australia 

Iris describes  how having ACP discussions has made a difference to her personally  and empowered her. 

Peter talks with Maggie about the benefits to him of ACP discussions 

Simon Pedsinski from Nightingale Hammerson House , talks about mainstreaming ACP in their GSF accredited care home. 

Next Steps

International non-UK, If you are from outside the UK and have any enquiries about GSF International, seeking information, how to register, consultancy advice or other queries , please contact us.

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UK Only.  If you are from within the UK and have any enquiries about GSF in the UK, please contact the GSF UK team directly. 

Donate &  support 

If you are interested in supporting the work of The  Andrew Rodger Trust Charity in Africa, either by donating or contributing in other ways, please contact us for details.

Or you can donate directly using the button below. Thank you 

© 2021 Gold Standards Framework International.  

The Andrew Rodger Trust is a registered charity: 1160141

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