“In the course of my research, I concluded that the GSF is probably the most effective framework for
primary-secondary-tertiary integration”
Janet Dunbrack Health Policy Consultant
Evidence of GSF
Research and Evaluations of GSF .Since 2000, there have been extensive research studies, publications and evaluations of GSF in different settings, building the evidence base for GSF and integration into best practice policy in the UK. This was particularly important in the early days of use of GSF within GP practices, to support it becoming part of national policy , but also later for other settings.
Some key papers , both those often cited as evidence in GSF training or published about GSF, are included in the Key Papers section below , with others in the relevant sections for each setting , including Summaries of Evidence for each area . Examples of magazine, non-peer reviewed and grey literature articles also are included .
Literature Search
There have been several Literature Searches for aspects of GSF for various purposes .
One example of an extensive literature search by Stafford University is included below,
The Frontrunner Papers are a summary of attainments of a sample of the GSF Accredited teams in the UK, demonstrating what is possible to achieve in practice, as an encouragement and inspiration to others.
This follows specific examples of comparative evaluations reports from GSF Accredited Primary Care teams, Care Homes and Hospitals, with quotes from the teams on the impact of doing GSF in their workplace.
More details are available on request and from the GSF -UK team.

For Specific Settings;
Key Papers
Population Based Editorial BJGP Thomas, Gray GSF
Pall Med Short report GSF1 Noble Thomas March 27th
PC GSF Critical Review Improving EOLC
Developing primary palliative care Murray BMJ
BMJ GSF End of Life J-2016-Clifford-
Badger et al Care Homes Pall Med paper 2009 5021
Caring Times 2017
Imminence of death amongst hospital patients Clarke 2014
Prospective study of prevalence of patients with GSF criteria in hospital- Milnes et al Geelong, Australia
RCNi - Nursing Management - Quinn B, Thomas K - March 2017
GSF Overview
Click to download
Population-based, person-centred 'end of life' care
Click to download
Gold Standards in Primary Care
Click to download
GSF Front Runners Papers
Frontrunners in Primary Care
Click to download
How GSF Improves Outcomes in All Settings
Summary papers submitted to 2018 NICE consultation of GSF improvements in practice , for 2019 NICE Guidance in EOLC Service Delivery See NICE Guidance here

2019 NICE Guidance in EOLC Service Delivery NICE Guidance
Click to download

Primary Care

BMJ Editorial - Population-based person-centered EoLC: time for a rethink
BMJ article on primary care accreditation
Summary of evidence - Primary Care - September 2016
2019 comprehensive systematic review on use of GSF in primary care
Summary Evidence September 2016
2010 /11 national primary care snapshot audit
EAPC Madrid 2017 - primary care
Abstract primary care
Care Homes

Domiciliary Care

Acute Hospitals

Integrated Cross Boundary Care
GSF in Jersey
Click to download
Dementia Care
International Articles
General GSF Literature Section
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